Never stop striving for the best that is within you. Never stop hoping for all of the righteous desires of your heart. But don’t close your eyes and hearts to the simple and elegant beauties of each day’s ordinary moments that make up a rich, well-lived life. -Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Forget Me Not”

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Lately, I've felt like I need a blog just for my own personal records, and a place to brain dump. I find myself constantly wanting to do facebook posts, but considering there is going to be lots of posts about periods, ovulation, sex, and probably some even weirder things, I'm not sure how many people I would make uncomfortable. So, a blog it is. Plus, I get the feeling that this could turn into a much larger ordeal than I am hoping for, so it will be good to keep a record for myself and anyone else who finds this interesting.

To sum things up thus far, here's some background:  Eric and I got married in December of 2010. We decided in March of the following year that we wanted to start trying for a child. I had been on birth control, so I went off the pill, and we were hopeful to see what would happen.

I've always had "female problems", and have been seen by several gynocologists, and so far no one has figured anything out. Basically, I don't ovulate on my own, which means I don't get my period. I was on birth control to help with that, but the birth control was really messing up my body. So, when I stopped taking BC, no periods. I have never been given a diagnosis as to what is causing the problems - the doctors don't seem too concerned about anything major - after all, infertility affects one out of every 10 couples, often for unexplained reasons.

Anyway, after six months of trying with no success, Eric and I decided it was time to see a doctor.

My doctor, a wonderful man named Dr. Willmore, immediately put me on Provera (progesterone) to jumpstart my periods, and Clomid (clomiphene citrate) to help me ovulate, with an emergency prescription of estrogen if the Provera alone didn't work. My months basically went like this: take Provera for 5 days. Wait for period to start about 5 days later. If period doesn't start, take estrogen for 10 days, then Provera for 5 days. Take Clomid days 5-9 of my period. On days 10-25, take my basal body temperature every morning (first thing when I woke up), take an ovulation test every day to track ovulation, and have sex once a day. If my period returned (thus not being pregnant), I had to call and schedule an emergency appointment for a gyn exam, and start the whole process over again.

As of when this post is dated, I am on my 5th round of Clomid. I did two rounds at 50 mg, two rounds at 100 mg, and this round is 150 mg, the highest dose "they" (the powers that be, obviously) recommend you take.

It's been hard to go through with this so many times. I know 5 cycles/8 months doesn't seem like much, and I'm sure in the long run it really isn't, but when you want something so badly, and it is a righteous desire, it is hard to have a daily reminder of what you are missing. This month, I am putting everything aside and not worrying about taking my temperature or ovulation kits or anything. I need a break.

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